Top 8 Types of Wild Dogs in the world

Top 8 Types of Wild Dogs in the world - gentledogstore

For those of us accustomed to domesticated dog breeds, it can be hard to imagine dogs as wild. But they exist, and there are even several different varieties. With so many different species of dingo, here are facts about the most common, well-known or wide-ranging dingoes, as well as facts about large, small, and rare dingoes. Read on to learn more about the different types of wild dogs from around the world

African Wild Dog:

African Wild Dog

The African Wild Dog, also known as the African painted dog or Cape hunting dog, is a highly social and endangered species found in sub-Saharan Africa. With their striking coat pattern of black, yellow, and white, they are known for their exceptional hunting skills. African Wild Dogs live in packs and have a complex social structure. They are excellent runners, capable of reaching speeds up to 60 miles per hour. It is the largest wild dog breed in Africa and the second largest in the world. In terms of prey, it targets several African ruminants, warthogs, rabbits, stick rats and insects. Although rare today, it is one of the most dangerous wild dogs.



The Dhole, also known as the Indian wild dog or Asiatic wild dog, is native to South and Southeast Asia. These highly adaptable and intelligent canids are known for their distinctive reddish-brown coat. Dholes are skilled hunters and work together in packs to bring down their prey, which can include deer, boar, and smaller mammals. Unfortunately, their population is under threat due to habitat loss and human encroachment.

Gray Wolf:

Gray Wolf


The Gray Wolf is one of the most well-known and widely distributed wild dog species. They inhabit diverse ecosystems across North America, Europe, and Asia. Gray wolves are highly social animals that form packs led by an alpha pair. They are skilled predators and often hunt in packs, preying on large ungulates like deer and elk. Despite facing various conservation challenges, efforts have been made to restore wolf populations in some regions.

Red Fox:

Red Fox

The Red Fox is a widely distributed wild dog species found across North America, Europe, Asia, and even introduced in some regions. They have a distinctive reddish coat and a bushy tail. Red Foxes are adaptable omnivores, feeding on a variety of prey including small mammals, birds, and even fruits and insects. They are known for their intelligence and cunning hunting techniques.

Arctic Fox:

Arctic Fox

The Arctic Fox is well adapted to survive in harsh Arctic conditions, inhabiting the tundra regions of the Arctic Circle. Their thick fur coat provides insulation against the freezing temperatures. These foxes change their coat color with the seasons, showcasing a white coat in winter for camouflage and a brownish-gray coat in summer. Arctic Foxes mainly feed on small mammals, birds, and fish.

Maned Wolf:

Maned Wolf

The Maned Wolf is a fascinating wild dog species native to South America, particularly the grasslands and scrublands of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Despite its name, it is not closely related to wolves but rather represents a unique evolutionary lineage. Known for its distinctive long legs and reddish fur, the Maned Wolf primarily feeds on small mammals, fruits, and vegetation




The Dingo is a wild dog found in Australia and is believed to have been introduced to the continent thousands of years ago. They have a sandy or ginger-colored coat and exhibit characteristics of both domestic and wild dogs. Dingoesits taxonomic classification varies by taxonomy. There is no consensus as to whether it is a wolf, a primitive dog, the missing link between a wolf and a domestic dog, half wolf half dog, or a different species. There is also debate as to whether it is the true ancestor of the modern domestic dog


Coyote dog

The coyote, scientifically known as Canis latrans, is a remarkable wild dog species native to North and Central America. With its distinctive yipping and howling vocalizations, the coyote has earned a reputation as a clever and adaptable creature. This article explores the fascinating characteristics, behavior, and ecological importance of the coyote.Although the gray wolf is one of its threats, it sometimes mates with the eastern wolf, red wolf or gray wolf to produce the jackal. It is also sometimes bred with dogs to produce coydogs. The name “coyote” comes from an Aboriginal word meaning “barking dog”, which is pronounced like a dog but has about 12 different barks. It is fast, capable of running at 40 miles per hour, and is an excellent swimmer.

Wild Dogs Facts:

  1. Wild dogs, such as African wild dogs and dholes, are highly social animals that live in packs.

  2. They are skilled cooperative hunters, employing strategic tactics to increase their hunting success rate.

  3. Wild dogs are renowned for their impressive speed and stamina, allowing them to chase down prey over long distances.

  4. African wild dogs have distinctive coat patterns of black, yellow, and white, unique to each individual.

  5. Several species of wild dogs, including African wild dogs and Ethiopian wolves, are endangered or critically endangered.

  6. They communicate using a wide range of vocalizations, including high-pitched calls, yips, and howls.

  7. Many wild dog species, such as African wild dogs, exhibit monogamous breeding behavior.

  8. Wild dogs have a remarkably high hunting success rate, often exceeding 80%.

  9. They typically give birth to large litters, ensuring the survival and genetic diversity of the species.

  10. Wild dogs play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by regulating prey populations and contributing to biodiversity.